Posts Tagged With: social anthropology


Here at GUS you can take on semester at Gimlekollen, a college here in Norway. You can take a subject called Interkulturell kommunikasjon and you have two home exams, one in May and one in June. The first one is coming up on Monday and I’ve spent a lot of time reading and studying. Right now I’m reading a book about social anthropology and at times it’s very interesting and I don’t have many pages left :-)

IMG_0674 IMG_0683Today I only have a month left here at GUS and the year is almost over and it has gone by so quickly. What’s more surprising is that it’s been 6 weeks since I left Bolivia! I’ve actually started making a photo book from Bolivia, inspired by Helen, who just finished hers. It’s nice to have my pictures on my computer, but it’s something very different to have them in a book. I’ve never made a photo book before, but the photo book program on iPhoto, isn’t really that hard to use and it looks good as well. I’ll post some photos about it when I’m finished.


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