Posts Tagged With: guacamole

Lasagna step 1,2 & 3…

I thought that I should share the lasagna recipe with you guys. It’s Ingvild who taught me how to make lasagna and to my surprise it’s actually not that difficult to make.

You need-


1. Fry the meat, I use beef meat. While the meat is frying cut the onion, garlic and the chili in small pieces.

Screen shot 2013-04-20 at 7.30.34 PM

2.When the meat is fried put it all in the meat together with the meat and the tomato sous. If you want it more spicy you can of course add more chili and other things too.

Screen shot 2013-04-20 at 7.36.42 PMThe cheese sous  –

1. Melt butter, about a 100 grams for four people.

2. Add flour till you have a mass, similar to picture 2. It’s about 200 grams flour.

3. Use the thing on picture 3 or a cheese slicer.

4. Then in the end put milk in your mass till you have a thick sous or a a thin porridge and then the cheese as well.

IMG_0615Put the meat on the bottom, then the cheese sous and in the end pasta plates. Do this till the top and you can choose how many layers you want. On the top you put cheese. Put it in the oven on 200 degrees for 25-25 minutes-


Screen shot 2013-04-20 at 7.40.46 PMGuacamole is great and you can have it with so many different things. It’s also very simple to make, all you need is avocado, sour cream and salt & Pepper or Toro’s dip mix.

1.Cut the avocado in two and use a spoon to take it out.

2. Use a fork to “smash” the avocado

3. Add sour cream and mix it together with either Toto’s dip mix or salt & pepper

IMG_0623Then you have a great dinner :-)

IMG_0624Bon Appetit!

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